2 pack 80# Leaders for trolling for stripers aprox 15 ft with ball bearing swivel and costlocks at end.  Ideal for when the fish is spinning, ideal for line keeping...
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2 pack 80# Leaders for trolling for stripers aprox 15 ft with ball bearing swivel and costlocks at end. 

Ideal for when the fish is spinning, ideal for line keeping clear from winter jellyfish and grass

Perfect for Spring or Fall Rockfish Trolling

2 Rigged Leader Lines
Each Leader Line includes.....
2 sections of 80lb. mono with a ball bearing swivel in the middle
2  Coastlock Snap Swivels - one at each end
To vary trolling depths, add a coastlock snap to the end of your main line from the rod. Between the coastlock on your mainline and one of the coastlocks on this leader line, add an in-line sinker - anywhere from 2 ounce up to 16 ounce, depending on the desired depth. Snap the other end of this coastlock swivel to the lures.

2 Pack 80# Leaders

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